In Progress
It was a busy and wonderous weekend - family came from all over - we ate and ate.. and in between times I spun and knit !
Many things are "in the works" in our house!
First up : a new pencil roving sweater in colorway Mountain Sunrise. I think that I shall use these buttons (of course by my friend Rama).. and I'm still undecided about whether to add a collar...
This was a fast knit, as it is made from unspun pencil roving... yummy and very very warm!
And on the spinning front, I began the "dream sweater" - hurrah! Here's what started this weekend... I ended up spinning about 8 ounces - a great beginning, and it makes me feel as though I might acutally be able to begin knitting it within the for-see-able future :) I'm a happy camper.
And not to be detered from my long term goals (knitting socks once again!) - I decided to begin knitting a sample sock for some of the fabulous new yarn we have added to our website - it is hand dyed by a friend of ours, Lisa Milliman, owner of Dicentra Designs... here is my humble beginning.. It was quite the feat to go from knitting the pencil roving sweater on size 15 needles to these fabuloso socks on size 0 needles.. perhaps a bit of culture shock for my fingers - yet somehow I kept up.. maybe it was all the spinning in between! :)
All in all - I ended up feeling relaxed and fulfilled after our weekend of entertaining - and managed to get in a bunch of fiber art to boot! May all of you enjoy such fabulous company as I have had!